I can certainly sympathize with the frustration that Hail to the Victor's expresses here regarding multiple copies of documents and the negative implications they have on class projects. The response that bschool bloggin got back from Scott Moore regarding this issue was very interesting, as I had absolutely no idea that Ctools presented an opportunity to share documents in a restricted online group environment. I wish I knew this earlier, as it certainly would have reduced the duplication frustration that is inherent in emailing out multiple versions of documents.
But, I am more interested right now in Blogonaut's recommendation of outsourcing the solution. While in this case I think Ctools' solution takes care of the matter pretty well, and a solution does not really need to be outsourced, there are other instances at this university where IT is definitely outsourced. An example of the university's outsourcing of IT can be found in this Michigan Daily article. The article describes a deal that the University has brokered with a company called Cdigix to outsource the ability to upload audio and video files for use as course materials. A really cool side effect of the University signing this deal is that we as students will soon be able to download all the music we want for only $2.99 a month, and the article discusses this aspect at lengths. But, apparently, this extra ability was not really a factor in the university's decision to outsource their online audio and video capabilities. I think it is very interesting to see the university outsourcing this IT aspect. I wonder if the university's outsourcing IT in general will become a more common occurance in the future.